International Pilates Aotearoa
Teacher Trainer Program
Romana Kryzanowska is the world renowned protege of Joseph Pilates she made the commitment to Joseph and Clara Pilates to continue their lifes work and train the next generations of instructors.The method is still being passed on after Romanas passing in 2013 by her daughter Sari and grand daughter Daria Pace. Romanas Pilates International is globally recognised and respected worldwide as the highest quality. A classical, fully comprehensive certification that will take 600-800 hours to complete.
The Program
Practical Assment
A practical assessment can be taken once your teacher trainer feels you are a strong intermediate working towards advanced level and have a good understanding of some of the other apparatus in the studio.This normally happens by 75 hours of lessons.
Basic, Intermediate and Advanced
Each seminar you will learn the system of exercise and how to apply  the Principles of  Pilates. You will learn how to use all apparatus, how to teach different body types and how to strengthen and modify for clients with injuries.
Testing will be done by a practical and written test in-between each seminar after apprentices completed the weekly training hours and apprentice meetings.
Instructor Training Program
Please contact for cost inquiry